An unexamined life, is a life on autopilot.
Some highlights from this episode's exploration of ACCESS include-
> tips to add, remove, move or substitute (ARMS) what has access to you
> tips on how to withstand the testing of your resolve
> time management tips
> lessons from Zen Master Myles Monroe on the power of choice
> lessons from Zen Master Eric Thomas on boundaries
> Goals should clarify what you allow. Goal planning tools - the passion planner and the lifeboard
> Beauty, harmony and communion
> The stockpile of willpower
Some highlights from this episode's exploration of ACCOUNTABILITY include-
> Accountability prevents crashes.
course corrections
Zen Master Tony Robbins
> Accountability keeps us honest.
lessons from Ben Franklin on rationalization
> Discipline
Checkpoints and reporting times
Honest self reflection
Sacred Woman by Queen Afua
> Accountability provides structure, support, encouragement and modeling.
> Accountability partners prevent overthinking and provide logic
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The Zennurgy podcast launched 10/11/20, 15 episodes released, new episode released weekly, 2.5K views/downloads. 27 cities and 8 countries. Found on multiple streaming platforms- Pandora, Iheartradio, Google Podcast, Apple podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon, Audible, Itunes, Overcast, Safari and many more. Advertise your art, your business, your causes. Fuel for Mind, Body and Soul- Zennurgy!
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