One of my guests is activist and creative thinker Niecee Perkins @shesmisunderstood.20 A victim, survivor and domestic violence advocate, she is on a journey of self healing and helps young women on their journey to healing as well! They are not alone; we are all in this together. Women's empowerment is her focus. We will be discussing how awareness is a tool for growth, as well as tips for healing from breakups, betrayal and domestic violence.
This podcast also is for anyone on a journey of growth with tools to share- entrepreneurs, authors, artists, motivational speakers, educators etc who would like to share their Zen tools, their abcs of Zennurgy. If you’d like to get featured on the show, visit . Open dates on the calendly link after 1/31/21.
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subtopics in the full podcast 0-4:45 #WhatisAlignment? 4:46- 7:37 #YourLifein5chapters. 7:38-9:34 #FindwhatalignsYOU! 9:35-12:18 #DevelopAwareness 12:19-13:48 #Trust Yourself 13:49-15:54 #Be Still and Know 15:55- 17:59 #Monkey 18:00-23:17 #Blue 23:18- 27:27 #LoveShouldntHurt 27:28-29:57 Fiiire and Niecee Perkins #Rebuilding #Whenyoulearnteach #HealtheInnerChild #DealingwithYourPast #Betransparent #stayaligned 40:41-45:06 What anchors You? 45:07-49:34 You have ALWAYS been enough. 49:35- 52:45 Nature helps you stay grounded. 52:46- 53:54 You are a gift to the world. 53:55- 55:48 Lighten your load to stay aligned. and more
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The Zennurgy podcast launched 10/11/20, 18 episodes released, new episode released weekly, 2.5K views/downloads and growing daily. 27 cities and 8 countries. Found on multiple streaming platforms- Pandora, Iheartradio, Google Podcast, Apple podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon, Audible, Itunes, Overcast, Safari and many more. Advertise your art, your business, your causes. Fuel for Mind, Body and Soul- Zennurgy!
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Poet, essayist, teacher and host Zen Ase is on a mission to help people Get Zenned! Stay Zenned! And Spread Zen! Through inspirational merchandise, the arts and her podcast Zennurgy, she provides resources for building a better life. Https://
Poet, essayist, teacher and host Zen Ase is on a mission to help people Get Zenned! Stay Zenned! And Spread Zen! Through inspirational merchandise, the arts and her podcast Zennurgy, she provides resources for building a better life. Https://
and more